Two plants in a container
16 Jun 2010 20:15
by torquil
Please could you help me, I have just planted a Rhus typhina 'Tiger Eyes' in a very large wooden sleeper planter, poss 80 by 80cm, I have an everygreen honeysuckle in this planter, henryi, which I had to disturb some of the larger roots to get my root ball in. What I want to ask will my honeysuckle cope with damage to some of the roots and will the two grow okay together? Both are vigourous and I don't want the tree to lose nutrients.
Thanks for any advice.
16 Jun 2010 20:18
by gardening_guru
I think these plants will be fine together provided you keep them well watered and fed regularly with a balanced liquid feed (although don't overfeed). You might have to repot in time because they will inevitably become pot-bound which could be interesting with such a large pot.
The honeysuckle roots may have been damaged when you planted the Rhus but if you keep the compost nice and moist for a two or three weeks it should mean that it lives and grows some new roots. The conventional advice in text books should not always be followed, the other day I dug up and successfully transplanted a Clematis, it is now producing healthy new shoots and is thriving.